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The Institute of Chartered I.T. Professionals

The Institute of Chartered I.T. Professionals

The ICITP is a professional accreditation body that is recognized by the South Africa Qualifications Authority more commonly referred to as SAQA. The organisation was established in 2003 with the objectives of promoting public interest and trust in the information technology profession, ensuring and encouraging continuous professional development, and including the advancement of the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework.

The ICITP Accreditation.

The RCM Digital College offers a diploma in all fields of digital, which is accredited through the ICITP. The diploma covers modules in Google advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing, web design, website development, animation design and an introduction to mobile application development. This course offers a number of career opportunities to students and thus has become our best seller.

The Benefits of Becoming an Associate Member of the ICITP.  

Each of our students are encouraged and given the opportunity to complete the assesment and become an associate member of the ICITP in addition to receiving the accreditation.

The associate membership is a fantastic curriculum vitae booster and offers you creditability as an I.T. professional. Various companies in the I.T sector have joined the membership programme and thus as a part of this industry it is imperative to keep up with competitors.


If you are interested in obtaining a diploma or would like to become an associate member of the ICITP contact The RCM Digital College for more information. 

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