Let’s say you completed a website for your business about three months ago, but you are still not seeing very many people visiting your website. You start doing a little research and find that your website is hidden about eight pages deep on all of the major search engines. It seems that you have created a very nice website, but it isn’t optimised for search engines, so your page is ranked very low.
Search engine optimisation has become a very large field for many different consultants all over the internet. However, the techniques needed to optimise your website for search engines are not very hard to implement on your web site all by yourself. Here are a few of the most important things that you can do for search engine optimisation:
Use keywords all through your website
Many people do a pretty good job putting a good description and group of keywords in their meta-tags, but they don’t use these same keywords throughout the rest of their website. You need to continue to use your keywords throughout the content on the rest of your website if you want to get high search engine rankings.
Create a sitemap
Many search engines will always try to index your site’s pages by following links to all of the different pages. However, if a search engine is unable to follow a link, then a page might not get included in the search engine’s results. To make sure all of your pages get indexed, make sure that you have a text-based sitemap that includes all of the major pages of your website.
Domain Name
Your domain name should be marketable (example: Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, etc.), easy to say names, and even easier to remember. Don’t worry too much about packing keywords into your domain name. Keywords in domain names no longer have the clout they used to.
Simple Design
Don’t re-invent the wheel. If your design is multifaceted, chances are high that it will hinder your visitors’ ability to navigate and view the site, and it will slow down development. The simpler the better.
File/Directory Names Using Keywords
Your filenames and directory names should contain keywords. If your page is about Johannesburg plumbing then the filename should be Johannesburg-plumbing.
Navigation on Every Page
You should place consistent navigation on every page of your Web site. Your navigation should link to the major parts of your website. It would also make sense for every page on your Web site to link back to the home page.
Gobs of Content
The more content, the better. Having pages upon pages of original, relevant content is the best form of search engine optimisation.
The RCM Digital College is a digital marketing college aimed at enriching the minds of individuals. The idea of teaching digital skills blossomed from the growing need for skilled individuals who are able to build websites and online applications. RCM School of Excellence’s mission is to provide students with the ability to adapt to the future of the online world. Our aim to give students the skills and ability to work in any digital environment. We hope to empower the individuals and provide training to established corporate companies.