Digital Campus

School for Digital Marketing

Why Should I Study Digital Marketing?

The Benefits Of Taking A Digital Marketing Course

The fear for both parents and students alike is that you, or your child, will not be accepted into a course of study.

You might have worked your way through high school but maybe you believe that your marks won’t be good enough to apply for university.

The stress is that you are going to sit for an entire year not knowing what to do, at the same time doing nothing.

Instead of wasting a year, taking a look at digital marketing courses provided to you by RCM School Of Excellence Digital College could change your perspective and your future.

The question may be why should I study digital marketing?

Or, how can I benefit from it?

In fact, there are seven benefits in terms of studying a digital marketing course.

These are, becoming more of a professional, career options, improved salary, independence, flexibility, external use of skills and finally, reaching your creative potential.

Becoming More Of A Professional

Digital marketing is not only a popular study and career choice, but it is gaining even more popularity as the years go by.

Taking your life in your own hands and studying digital marketing courses will position you for a job in a world where this industry is booming.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College has been able to start many people’s careers by simply giving them the tools and skills in order to function in the digital world.

Taking digital marketing courses at the college will improve the way you think about business, how you conduct yourself, as well as how you will carry yourself into the job market.

Of course, if you want it bad enough you will fight for it. These digital marketing courses will test your work ethic and if you don’t put in the work, then work won’t come looking for you.

Being diligent and efficient are skill sets which you will learn when you come to RCM School Of Excellence Digital College.

Career Options

The benefit of choosing to study a digital marketing course is that your career path is not set in stone.

What this means is that you will have a variety of options to choose from in terms of job opportunities.

When applying for jobs you will have the necessary skills to be able to adequately accomplish a handful of duties and tasks.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College understands that pigeonholing a person is an old mindset, where today, you can be almost anything you want to be.

Setting yourself up for the future, with a qualification in digital marketing, will allow you to seek a multitude of different career opportunities.

Improved Salary

As mentioned above, digital marketing is a fast-growing and much-needed service for all industries.

Therefore the demand for someone who has a digital marketing qualification is higher than it ever has been.

If your child isn’t sure what they want out of life, one of the best choices they could make is to study digital marketing courses.

Not only is the career opportunities in demand and in variety, but the salaries that they can earn is far higher due to the demand of digital marketers.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College can get your life on its way as they understand that time is money, and digital marketing will get you that money.


A big plus for studying digital marketing courses is that it will give you a choice.

The choice is one of the biggest things about life and being able to choose where you want to work, as well as what courses you feel most attracted to, will put you in a much more comfortable place.

Independence also comes from the fact that if you decide that you no longer want to work in a specific job in digital marketing, your qualification will allow you to move on to something else.

Your life is in your hands if you decide to study at RCM School Of Excellence Digital College.


If the above mentioned has still not caught your eye then being able to have flexibility in terms of how you study, as well as how you work, should.

Imagine this, you wake up, get ready for the day, sit down and open your laptop. You are at home and you are working.

This is not just a fantasy, but an actual reality for a lot of people working in digital marketing.

Digital marketing courses allow for this kind of flexibility, with online courses available so that even if you are working at present, you are studying to get your dream job.

The internet is an ongoing space and what this means for you is that you could be at home working at night, for businesses or people living in America.

Your job does not really require you to have to work a typical nine to five job, however, if that is more your style, RCM School Of Excellence Digital College gives you the requirements for it.

Skills Used For A Variety Of Businesses

A benefit of working in the digital marketing field is that your job is to make sure that pretty much every other industry, is being marketed and advertised correctly.

This can go all the way from a sports broadcasting company to a heavy machinery supplier.

Each and every day your clients could be different and you could be working in a different industry.

Choosing to study digital marketing courses will allow you to use your skills for different businesses all in different industries.

Always overcoming tests and required to improve your skills is something which RCM School Of Excellence Digital College wants you to ingrain inside of you.

Reaching Your Creative Potential

Studying digital marketing courses will allow you to spread your creative wings and really hone skills which you may have never thought you had.

With animation, as well as a mobile app and game development courses available, your creativity is not limited to anything too specific.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College has designed its courses in such a way where you are able to unlock your potential and do so with expression and imagination.

Have no fear as there is no judgment in being innovative and trying to do things in a more expressive way.

Digital marketing is made for those individuals who want to push the boundaries and want to change things up.

As mentioned above, studying these digital marketing courses allows you to be able to work for yourself as well as find a job much more effectively.



Digital Marketing For Entrepreneurs In South Africa

Aspiring and current entrepreneurs in South Africa all have the same goal in mind, to work for themselves while being able to adequately support their lifestyle effectively.

Both sets of entrepreneurs can benefit greatly when deciding to study digital marketing courses, as they will be able to navigate and market their business and products efficiently.

Entrepreneurs who want their brand to be their image can also improve on their skills and approach.

By taking such courses, RCM School Of Excellence Digital College provides these capabilities.

Studying digital marketing courses is not only a benefit in getting you to a point where you can get a job, but it is also advantageous if you are looking to start your own business.

Social engagement is becoming more and more important and the best thing to do is to take a chance and jump aboard.

Understanding it and executing this will improve your business development and reach.

On the flip side, if you are an entrepreneur who is interested in using digital marketing for your business, you will gain a lot of exposure than you ever thought possible.

Doing your due diligence and studying digital marketing courses will provide you with a lot of social media and search engine knowledge which helps you to navigate these spaces better.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the key features of being able to effectively market your business to the masses.

SEO is a technique which uses industry-specific keywords, in order to develop the material, to get your business website ranking higher in the top results on search engines such as Google or Yahoo.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College provides a comprehensive understanding of SEO as well as being able to understand the analytics of your reach which helps track your success.

Another benefit which digital marketing courses provide is the fact that you will be able to compete with businesses in the same industry as you.

Regardless of your brand and industry, being competitive online opens your business to many more potential clients and consumers.

Being able to grow and develop your business should be done in both the physical and in the electronic spheres.

Whether you are coming out of high school or are a business owner, being able to understand the social media networking system will make it far easier for you to reach your potential.

Networking in itself is far easier as you will be meeting up with people who are experienced in the field, who can help you reach your goals.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College is able to ensure that when you receive your qualifications, you are able to boost the success of any business, including your own.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College is also adept in providing you with the skills to develop your own website, as well as websites for others.

This allows you to fully optimise websites which will be tailor-made specifically to the business.

This optimisation is crucial when trying to develop a site that is user-friendly. The more streamlined a site is, the better it is for your users.

This also helps in bringing more eyes to your site, increasing the potential of bringing in more consumers.

Taking digital marketing courses is a sure way to put yourself in a position where you are not only competent in the ways of the digital marketing world, but you have the power to use such skills.

If you are an aspiring or current entrepreneur, the use of digital marketing is also way more beneficial in terms of the costs.

Digital marketing is way more affordable in getting your brand and business out to the public, as it is being designed for social media sites and search engines which are used 24/7.

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College is not just a college which will simply get you a qualification, the focus is making sure that you are able to do your job better than the rest.

If you are looking to learn a multitude of skills which will develop you, not only as a digital marketer but also as an individual, then these digital marketing courses are for you.

Whether you are fresh out of school or working currently, putting yourself in a position where you are able to work in the digital marketing field is one of the best choices you can make.

With short, full-time and online, you are able to study digital marketing courses all in your own time and all in your ability.

Take a step forward in your life and give yourself a chance to develop skills which are highly praised and sought after in today’s business world.

Contact RCM School Of Excellence For More Information

RCM School Of Excellence Digital College provides top quality courses which will maximise your potential and get you to the heights of the digital marketing world. Contact RCM School Of Excellence for more information.


Top Careers for 2023 & the Digital Skills that Make them Work

Whether you are a school leaver or are looking for a career change, it helps to know that your options are growing by the day.

As our world changes, each year brings with it a collection of new career paths to follow, all of which fulfil a specific need.

The working climate is changing all the time.

There are job titles on the market today that meant nothing last year; similarly, there are new professions on the horizon that will serve purposes we aren’t even aware of yet.

This can be daunting, but it can also be exciting; especially for those with the foresight to prepare for these developing professions; most of which require some understanding of digital skills to be able to do.

So, to help you make the leap towards your next big adventure, let’s discuss a few of the most in-demand professions for 2023.

Before we do, however, let’s take a moment to speak about the roles that digital skills will play in these specialised roles.

Digital Skills in a Changing World

The professional world is getting more and more digital-centric by the day, and there can be no doubt as to the importance that digital prowess plays to a number of existing professions.

But as our world gets more specialised, these skills need to be refined.

Fields like big-data, research into artificial intelligence, marketing, privacy and even law are already dependant on a sound understanding of how the various fields of digital work; making their related skills essential for anyone looking to build a future for themselves in our information-rich age.

Of course, the term ‘digital skills’ is a fairly loose one that describes a lot of different practices, some of which are highly specialised and unrelated.

Digital skills could simply describe:

  • an aptitude for information technology management
  • graphic design
  • software and mobile application development
  • web design
  • data-capturing
  • managing security and privacy
  • working with digital law
  • social media marketing
  • search engine optimisation
  • virtual and augmented reality development
  • artificial intelligence development and research

These skills represent just the tip of the iceberg for the modern job market, and they are being expanded on all the time.

With this in mind, it is easy to see that almost all areas of business require some understanding of the digital world.

The professions that we will discuss next, those that will be most popular moving forward from 2023, are no different:

Application & Software Developers

There is a constant growth in the need for software and application developers, particularly in South Africa. This has become all the more prevalent thanks to a lack of skills in our local market.

The thing that keeps the market open for developers is that these skills are highly specialised, with different developers understanding different approaches and coding languages; some of which are more sought after than others.

At its core, this profession is an essential component of the modern working world, with apps and software moving away from the realm of usefulness, into that of being essential.

Businesses that use software to properly manage their processes need custom software to do this; those looking to get better interaction from their prospective clients, or to add more value to their services, often do this through a mobile application developed specifically for these needs.

In 2023, the field of application and software development is expected to grow at a rate of about 31%, which means that developers are about to become in high demand.

Building these skills is important for anyone engaging in these industries, even if they are not developing themselves, but are rather managing the teams that are doing it.

Database Architects & Data Analysists

Database architecture and analysis is not the most glamorous of tasks, but they are utterly essential for corporate success in the modern world.

This is also somewhat of an umbrella term that describes the handling and translation of raw data into usable information, for a range of needs.

Databases need to be built:

  • to make the software work properly
  • to understand the behaviour of consumers
  • to predict and control traffic
  • to start new businesses
  • to refine marketing approaches
  • for a range of engineering tasks

These are just a few of the essential tasks handled by those who specialise in database architecture.

Because of the growing importance placed on these professions, as well as a severe shortage in skilled personnel, interest in these industries can be expected to grow by about 34% in the coming year.

Information Security Analysts

Information security is becoming ever more important in the modern age. The online world is filled with opportunities for people to steal data, personal information and content. When a successful heist occurs, the losses can be in excess of millions of dollars.

Then there are also the implications of compromised data. Newsfeeds over the past few years have proven this time and time again.

Think about the Ashley Madison leak in July 2015 that exposed the extramarital affairs of some 30 million people all over the world; many of which were notable politicians and CEOs of massive corporations.

The implications of these leaks were substantial, with many of Ashley Madison’s users having their personal lives ruined. This cost Ashley Madison a total of $576 million in class-action lawsuits.

This is just one example out of hundreds that prove the importance of information security as a specialised profession.

It is also one that requires a keen understanding of digital processes to improve online security, to protect both users and companies from outside attacks.

Sales & Marketing

Sales and marketing are both age-old professions that have both adapted beautifully with the times.

Having said that, they both fit squarely into the realm of digital in the modern age. Every time you read an online article like this one, visit a website, click an ad on Facebook, skip those ads on YouTube or Google the location of a nearby restaurant; someone’s efforts in digital marketing are paying off.

By 2023 there will be an estimated 2 billion internet users worldwide who are giving more of their attention to online content than they are to billboards, TV ads or radio ads; which speaks for itself in terms of the demand for skilled digital marketers.

Being a digital marketer means specialising in one or a few of the following fields:

  • Website and mobile app development
  • Graphic design
  • Online content creation
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Email marketing
  • YouTube Video Production
  • Social Media Marketing

Market Research Analysts

The abovementioned digital marketing skills work best when marketers have informative insights into the people, they are marketing for.

Understanding consumer behaviour, how they react to advertising, what their desires, interests and pain-points are, are all essential parts of planning a marketing campaign of any type.

Because of this, marketing analysists will hold some of the most valued skills in 2023 as we see an increase in demand for these professionals by about 41%.

Market research analysists don’t simply look at who they are marketing to, however. They also assist businesses with developing products that genuinely meet the needs of consumers.

Besides an understanding of consumer psychology, these professionals need to be able to listen to what consumers are saying, understand what they are feeling, know what type of content they are engaging with, and how their needs can be met effectively.

This requires them to have solid social listening and market research skills, both of which are reliant on a solid base of digital skills.

Digital Law Attorneys

Technology, for the most part, is developing more quickly than society can keep up with it.

This presents a bit of a challenge for the legal side of digital.

How does copyright infringement work, especially in the case of memes?

What constitutes as an invasion or breach of privacy?

What kind of online content is considered unlawful, misleading or dangerous?

These are but a few of the key concerns that need to be looked at by those who specialise in digital law.

This, of course, requires a legal background that can only be obtained from law school; but it also requires a keen understanding of the processes, ethics and skills that make up a variety of digital industries.

It is also important to remember that policies and laws change from country to country and state to state, which makes the profession all the more complex.

Because of this, and the importance of the role played by legal practitioners who specialise in digital cannot be understated, forcing an increase in demand for these skills.

Artificial Intelligence Researcher

Artificial intelligence makes incredible strides in its development each year, and it still has a long way to go.

There is an incredible shortage of artificial intelligence experts all over the world which poses a problem for us in two ways.

Firstly, the road to a general-purpose AI is a long and difficult one with many hurdles and breakthroughs that can only be successfully accomplished with the right people behind the research and development processes.

While strides are being made all the time, they can only be done through a sound understanding of the digital world, our place in it, and how AI can help us improve things.

The second concern for AI development is based on ethics and best practices. It is widely acknowledged that AI could pose the single most devastating threat to humanity as we know it, which means that the road forward must be navigated with exceptional care and foresight since mistakes could be devastating to the human race as a whole.

This means that we need experts with a sound understanding of the implications of each development in AI technology and how to avoid the pitfalls of creating an intelligence that outstrips the capabilities of even the smartest humans.

We are, admittedly, a long way off from becoming batteries for a race of robot overlords; but it is never too early to start trying to avoid it.

A Few Honorary Mentions

Not all of us are cut out, or even interested in becoming world-leading AI experts, practitioners of digital law or big-data gurus.

Still, the digital realm has birthed a number of ways to help people find alternative ways of making a living, or better yet, building a successful career.

The Digital Nomad

Digital nomads are those freelancers who make the most out of the power of the digital industry. There is no one skill that is attributed to this profession, but rather a way of working.

Digital Nomads often work with digital materials, across digital media, to be able to get more flexibility in their lives.

This includes being able to work remotely over online freelancing platforms and mail while travelling, taking advantage of flexible working hours, or even making a secondary income by working online.

Digital nomads are most commonly associated with the digital marketing industry and so generally hold the skills described above.

Monetised Streaming

Whether streaming video gameplay on platforms like Twitch or making niche YouTube videos, people from all over the world are finding fun ways to monetise their interests.

We are living in the age of the streamer, where amateur content creators are making a killing doing what they love.

What is it that sets the successful streamers apart from the others? Apart from sheer dedication, their understanding of how to leverage these media through carefully honed digital skills is what makes the difference.

Contact The RCM Digital College Digital College to Grow your Skills

Engaging with the opportunities offered by the digital world is an excellent way to build a future for yourself in an ever-changing professional world. Of course, to make the most of these opportunities, you will need a carefully crafted set of digital skills.

If you would like to know more about how we here at the RCM School of Excellence Digital College can build these skills with you, speak to us about our range of online, part-time and full-time digital marketing courses, or visit our website today for details.



Understanding the various learning styles of a student

It is extremely important for a facilitator and/or educational institution to understand and educate themselves about the various learning styles of their students to ensure that they have learning material that supports every individual’s needs. Every student is unique in their learning style and understanding this concept will help the student understand the learning material.

The different types of learning styles.

There are different learning styles, namely: visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. Understanding these learning styles will help you as a student better understand your needs and it will help facilitators and educational institutions better understand how to adapt their material to improve on their facilitation skills.

VAK learning styles.

VAK stands for the three types of learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The VAK concept was developed in the early 1900s, to be precise it was developed in 1920. This concept was developed to learn more about the most common learning styles, they identified the VAK concept as the three most common learning styles.

Visual learners.

A learner who has adopted the visual style of learning relies heavily on visual material, this can be in the form of infographics, slide shows, video content, charts, diagrams, graphs and pictures. The visual learner will absorb and retain information easier if the material is presented to them.

Auditory learners.

A learner who has adopted the auditory style of learning relies heavily on audio content, this can be in the form of group discussions, facilitators who explain the material, debates or in the form of tutoring. They will absorb and retain information easier by listening to what is being presented. When they hear their own voice repeating what is being taught it assists them in the learning process i.e. verbally repeating what has been taught. A facilitator who constantly asks questions for this type of learner to answer is a great method of learning.

Kinesthetic learners.

A learner who has adapted the kinesthetic learning style relies on physical experiences, this can be in the form of using a prop to understand, validation through touch or a pat on the back, practical/” hands-on” activities, and feeling or dissecting an object or conducting an experiment.

An adaption of the VAK concept.

A variation of the concept was developed in New Zealand by a teacher by the name of Neil D Fleming. He added an additional learning style known as the reading/writing style of learning.

Reading/writing learning style.

A learner who has adapted the reading/writing learning style relies on the repetition of words and writing. This type of learner has developed a combination of two of the most common learning styles: visual and auditory. They are defined as individuals who remember or organize things better in their minds when they are taking notes.

How to better understand the various learning styles.

Asa learner you should already have a pretty good understanding of what your preferred learning style is.

Think about this- when a problem presents itself do you sketch something on a piece of paper? Do you talk about it? Or do you build a model or a tangible presentation of the product? If you are someone who sketches the problem then you are a visual learner, if you are someone who talks about the problem then you are an auditory learner and if you are a learner who creates a prototype of the problem then you are a kinesthetic learner.

If you are still unsure of the learning style that you have adapted, think about these scenarios:

Scenario 1: Think about how you complain. Usually when you have something to complain about your emotions are usually heightened. You will complain about using the learning style that you as an individual have adapted. Whilst you are complaining do you focus on the whites of the eyes who is receiving the complaint (visual), do you use your phone to call up a friend to complain (auditory), do you physically deal with your frustrations by screaming into a pillow or hammering your fists into something (kinesthetic), or do you write an angry text or email (reading/writing)?

Scenario 2: Think about a situation where you have ever felt uncomfortable. If, for example, you were lost in a foreign country or street, how would you find your way? Would you use a map (visual), would you ask a stranger for directions (auditory), or would you keep walking until you find your way (kinesthetic)?

Scenario 3: When learning material is presented to you which format do you prefer? Was it charts and visual aids (visual), the words that were spoken by the facilitator (auditory), or the participation by the audience that was facilitated by the presenter (kinesthetic)?

Write down the answers to these questions, the learning style that has surfaced the most is your preferred style of learning, be aware of what you prefer and ensure that you have this material available to you to ensure that your needs as a student are being met.


How to improve your skills as an educator/facilitator.

As an educator, it is important to educate yourself about the various learning styles and needs for your students to ensure that you are giving them the full benefit of an education. Understanding the VAK concept is simple and easy to implement within your training environment. It is important to note that when you are conducting your training sessions, that you have a variety of learning aids to ensure that you are catering to every learning style as explained in the VAK concept, make an effort to engage your learners and keep them interested in the learning material that you are presenting.

The VAK concept, although helpful, also has its downfalls. We all understand that we are different in many ways and therefore the best way to teach is to tailor-make your courses to the individual needs of your students. There are other variables that also play a part in the learning ability of the student; variables such as learning disabilities, or other disabilities that the student may not be aware of such as bad eyesight or poor hearing, the student may also find it difficult to concentrate because perhaps they are ADD or ADHD- these are all reasons as to why it is important to know and understand your audience.

How to implement the VAK concept.

Auditory learners- you often find these students talking to themselves because they absorb information better by hearing the sound of their own voice, they also mime words or read out loud.

How to accommodate the auditory learner.

  • Start new modules or material by giving a brief explanation or overview of what you are presenting and conclude with a summary of what you have taught. An opening question with a closing conclusion will resonate with the auditory learner.
  • Question your students, request as much information as possible and reconcile the information by adding additional information about the learning material that they may have left out.
  • Include activities which stimulate the auditory learner; use learning material such as quizzes.
  • Request that the learners verbally ask their questions and voice their concerns rather than them write it down on a piece of paper or via an email.
  • Develop an internal dialogue between you and the student.

Visual learners- there are two types of visual learners, namely: linguistic and spatial. Visual-linguistic learners respond more to the written word. They absorb more information when they are reading or writing. Visual-spatial learners usually find reading and writing a difficult method of absorbing information, they respond better with visual aids such as infographics, diagrams, charts, graphs, videos and slide shows. They absorb more information when they can visualize it.

How to accommodate the visual learner.

  • Use visual aids when you are training.
  • For the visual-linguistic; learner offer handouts, brainstorming maps, and outlines of the material so that they can read the material and take notes. Keep spaces in between the material that you hand out so that they have a place to write their notes. Emphasize keywords to notify the student to take notes of what is being said.
  • For the visual-spatial learner; encourage them to draw pictures in the margins to stimulate learning. Another good method to adopt is to encourage the learners to visualize the topic so that they can paint their own picture and better absorb information through visualization. Use illustrations rather than text to convey information.

Kinesthetic learners- There are two types of kinesthetic learners; namely: kinesthetic which refers to movement and tactile which refers to touch. You will lose the attention of a kinesthetic learner if there is a lack of external stimulation. For example, kinesthetic learners may want to take notes during a training session in order to move their hands, before reading a paragraph they may scan through the material first, they also enjoy using coloured highlighters, drawing diagrams & illustrations and doodling.

How to accommodate the kinesthetic learner.

  • Use ice-breaking techniques or activities to encourage the learners to be active and move around.
  • Play music to stimulate their learning environments.
  • Provide the students with stationery such as different coloured pens, papers and highlighters because of this aids learning.
  • Allow the students enough breaks to ensure that their minds stay active and awake. We would recommend a fifteen-minute break after a forty-five-minute training session and of course refreshment breaks.
  • Instruct the students to transfer information to another source such as to a computer or tablet.
  • When writing on the board on the flip chart use different coloured markers.


The RCM Digital College.

The RCM Digital College understands the difference between the different learning styles and we do our best to accommodate the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner.

The RCM Digital College is a digital college which focuses on digital skills primarily focused on digital marketing, web design, web development, animation and mobile application development. The digital college is fully accredited locally and internationally. The RCM Digital College offers online and fulltime courses as well as short courses for those who are interested in upskilling.

The online courses that are offered by this digital marketing college are recognized internationally as professional diplomas. The online package is inclusive of a textbook, video content, practical exercises, and slideshows; making this course a flexible choice for any learning style. The price of the course includes examination fees, administrative fees, access to on-going assistance from the student advisor and facilitators, all of the study material and the accreditation fee. What’s more? The professional diploma can be completed within six months!

The full-time courses that are offered by this digital college are recognized locally by the MICT Seta and the ICITP as a diploma qualification. The full-time courses are inclusive of a fully trained facilitator with a wealth of knowledge who presents the study material, moderation fees, assessment fees, accreditation fees, textbooks, full access to a computer that has the software that you will need to complete the course, registration fees, examination fees, and full access to a student advisor for on-going assistance. The facilitators are skilled in the field of digital and have completed ‘train-the-trainer’ courses which help them identify the needs of the individual learner. Their lesson plans are designed to cater to every students’ needs and of course their preferred style of learning. Full-time courses also offer a very unique practical component whereby the students are encouraged to work on client campaigns that are fed from the digital agency, Right Click Media, this unique practical component better prepares the student for the working environment.


Looking for the perfect college that addresses your needs as a student? Contact The RCM Digital College.

Check out our awesome website for all you need to know: Give us a call on 011 867 6380 or send us an email and a student advisor will be happy to assist.

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